Thursday, July 29, 2010


When siddique pulled my hair today, you shouted at him. Do you know how touched I was? Okay, I was shocked, but mostly I felt loved by you again. <3 :D thanks for protecting me, I know I can count on you when I need you. I just love you so much, I know you won't be so anxious if it was another girl instead of me. It means alot that you care.

Though, when I see you laughing and smiling away with the other girls, i feel inferior. I can't make you laugh that hard. That's why jealousy is my weakest emotion. I am so afraid you would fall for another, but I know I can trust you and that I shouldn't doubt you. ;D I just feel weak. The other girls are prettier than me and they're yeah better than me. I'm just scared.

But, I trust you. <3 :D

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